The members of the scientific and technical research board of Power Machines approved the outcomes of the basic design of the GTE-170.1 gas turbine
As part of the program for creation of the first fully domestic-manufactured high-capacity gas turbine, the Power Machines company held a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Research Board (STRB) on the basic design of GTE-170.1 gas turbine.
The specialists from the Special Design Bureau of Gas Turbine Units presented the following for STRB review: thermodynamic and hydraulic calculations of the gas turbine unit, computational fluid dynamics and thermal design for the compressor and the turbine, calculations of the combustion chamber and fuel manifolds, strength calculations and service life evaluation for the main gas turbine unit components, as well as the typical 3D arrangement of the gas turbine unit and auxiliary systems in the turbine hall, complete with the 3D layout of the gas turbine.
The outcomes of the basic design were accepted and approved by the Board. Following the recommendations of the STRB members, in 2021 the scope of specimen preparation will be developed for subsequent field testing of the GTE-170.1 first production unit. It was recommended to use the GTE-170.1 design model to design the more powerful GTE-170.2 turbine.