Excitation systems and static frequency converters
Main types
- thyristor self-excitation systems (СТС, СТСН);
- independent thyristor systems (СТН);
- standby thyristor systems (СТР);
- brushless diode systems (СБД);
- reversible thyristor systems (СТС-Р, СТСН-Р);
- power converters;
- excitation control systems;
- excitation system protection.
- Maximum safety of operating personnel and equipment is ensured by a set of special measures, including optic cables and draw-out thyristor converters (upon the customer’s request).
- Easy maintenance of excitation boards is achieved by a combination of modular configuration, which ensures easy access to any board component, and the practical layout of controls, alarms, instruments and measurement points.
- The diversity of designs with regard to the customer’s needs allows for the easy transformation of typical sections.
- Water, forced-air or natural-air cooling of thyristor converters.
- A high degree of operational compatibility is ensured thanks to the location of all electrical connections between sections inside the panel.
- Proven quality. Excitation systems are tested using equipment from the world’s best manufacturers. Improved design of panels in accordance with European Ergonomic Standards is achieved through the use of state-of-the-art design materials.
Service support
A standard spare part and consumable warehouse enables urgent delivery to customers in any region.
Throughout the equipment’s service life, customers are provided with a wide range of customer services, such as:
- installation supervision, adjustment supervision, chief supervision, inspection, repair, supply and replacement of required spare parts and components. Power Machines guarantees the high quality and reliability of its supplied equipment.
The customer service program includes a flexible discount system and mutually-beneficial customer service procedures, such as:
- extended warranty period;
- additional spare parts and materials;
- required equipment delivery directly from the company’s customer support warehouse;
- full-scale equipment examination and diagnostics services using state-of-the-art testing and diagnostics tools.
The supply scope of spare parts includes special components such as retaining rings, current-carrying bolts, PET cords, etc. Special chemical components, such as varnishes, enamels and compression materials, are provided as well.
Thermal Power Plant Equipment and Services
Product catalogue Power machines group
Service of Thermal Power Plants
Excitation Systems
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