Nowadays, over 30 GW of power generating plants operate at gas-steam cycle in the territory of the Russian Federation. The share of equipment of foreign companies in the gross installed capacity of the commissioned combined cycle plants and gas turbine plants is over 70 %.
In 2018 in order to provide energy security and energy independence, the Government of Russia took a decision to recreate domestic production of gas turbines.
At the same time, considering its achievements in the field which is conventional for the enterprise, considerable experience in mastering new types of products, as well as its gas turbine plant creation background, Power Machines launched a development programme for modern domestic gas turbines production of the GTE-65 (ГТЭ-65) and GTE 170 (ГТЭ) class.
In 2019 Power Machines won the competition of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the right to receive subsidies for research and development and technological works to produce high-power gas turbines. At the present day, with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, "Power Machines" carry out R&D activity in cooperation with fundamental scientific research and industrial enterprises of the country - Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, NPO CKTI, CIAM, VTI, CNIITMASH and many others.
Due to this work, in the immediate future Power Machines will manage to bring to the market two fully made-in-Russia gas turbines of 65 MW and 170 MW.
By the end of 2019 the enterprise had recreated a design bureau of gas turbines, a large range of R&D activities was under implementation, domestic suppliers of critical components and fabricated parts were determined, modernization of in-house production and experimental and research facilities was in progress. The pilot commissioning of the first production units of GTE-170 (ГТЭ-170) will be performed in 2022-2023, the same for GTE-65 (ГТЭ-65) will start from 2024.
Gas turbines GTE-65 and GTE-170 can be used as a part of combined cycle plants both in monoblock arrangement with an individual steam turbine and in double-block arrangement with a joint steam turbine meant for two gas turbine plants.
Successful development of gas turbine production technology by the Russian company will reduce the dependence of domestic energy production on the import of this equipment and will ensure the energy and process security of the country.
25 may 2023
"Power machines" Introduces Coating Technology for Gas Turbine Hot Runner Blades
22 march 2023
Combustion Chamber Ignition of the First Domestic F-class Gas Turbine GTE-65 Successfully Performed at the CKTI Test Bench
26 december 2022
"Power machines" Completes the Assembly of the Lead Prototype of the Russian High-Power Gas Turbine GTE-170
27 september 2022
"Power machines" Takes Part in Gas Turbines Sci-Tech Session
13 october 2021
Power Machines gave insight into the status of domestic gas turbines manufacturing at REW-2021
06 october 2021
Power Machines will participate in St. Petersburg International Gas Forum 2021
29 september 2021
Power Machines proceeds to assemble combustion chamber assemblies and the GTE-170 gas turbine compressor guide vane
28 september 2021
Power Machines presented at the conference Scientific and Technical Aspects of the Application of Gas Turbine Units in the National Economy
10 september 2021
Kashirskaya Power Plant modernization project started
20 august 2021
Power Machines started production of key components of the GTE-65.1 gas turbine
29 july 2021
The Center for Hydrogen Technology Established under the Aegis of Power Machines
13 july 2021
Experimental burner device for the first domestic gas turbine plant using methane-hydrogen fuel has been created
23 june 2021
The R&D stage on the journal and thrust bearing of the GTE-65 turbine was completed
10 june 2021
Rotating and guide blades for the GTE-170 gas turbine have been accepted
07 june 2021
Power Machines launched production of GTE-170 gas turbine blades
26 may 2021
Representatives of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade paid a working visit to the production sites of Power Machines
07 april 2021
The GTE-170.1 gas turbine, manufactured by Power Machines, received the official status of innovative power equipment
Compact and effective medium-power gas turbine unit GTE-65 (ГТЭ-65) as a part of a simple or combined cycle.
Designed for a gear driven power generator with rotary speed of 3000 rpm in a simple or combined cycle and power drive for industrial units (compressors, pumps). Suitable for operation at all load ranges. Ensures low NOx emissions.
Serial delivery since 2024
Power at turbine generator terminals* | 67.7 MW |
Efficiency factor at turbine generator terminals* | 36,2 % |
Hydrogen oxides content in exhaust gases | Up to 50 mg/m3 |
Gas consumption at the turbine outlet | 195 kg/s |
Temperature at the turbine outlet | 555 °С |
Rotation speed | 5441 rpm |
Full nominal lifespan | 100000 operating hours |
Inter-overhaul time | 33000 operating hours |
Mass of turbine group | 62,0 т |
* - data provided in normal conditions as per GOST 52200-2004 (tn=+15 °С, рn=0.1013 МPа, relative humidity 60 %).
GTE-65 (ГТЭ-65) is of a single-shaft configuration, is equipped with a gear and consists of blocks shipped individually. The turbine group is a solid mobile block combining compressor, combustion chamber and turbine.
Scope of application:
Power energy, production industry
The reliable gas turbine is designed to drive an electric generator with a rotation speed of 3000 rpm in a simple or combined cycle. It embodies the requirements of state and industry standards of the Russian Federation. The first production units of gas turbines (version GTE-170.1 (ГТЭ-170.1)) will be of high reliability with cycle parameters being at the level of the most plants operated in Russia.
Version GTE-170.2 (ГТЭ-170.2) with elevated parameters is under development. The Power Machines design bureau of gas turbine plants performs R&D activities in cooperation with the largest scientific organizations of the Russian Federation in order to bring efficiency parameters to the advanced foreign analogue level and at the same time to save high reliability of the gas turbine plant. Several compressor stages, combustion chamber units including burner arrangement, moving and guiding blades, including blade cooling system, will be modified in GTE-170.2 (ГТЭ-170.2) structure.
Serial delivery of GTE-170.1 (ГТЭ-170.1) from 2022, GTE-170.2 (ГТЭ-170.2) from 2024
GTE-170.1 (ГТЭ-170.1) | GTE-170.2 (ГТЭ-170.2) | |
Power at turbine generator terminals* | 155.3 MW | 170 MW |
Efficiency factor at turbine generator terminals* | 34,1 % | 35,1 % |
Hydrogen oxides content in exhaust gases | up to 50 mg/m3 (for gaseous fuel operation) | |
Gas consumption at the turbine outlet | 509 kg/s | 535 kg/s |
Temperature at the turbine outlet | 538 °С | 539 °С |
Full nominal lifespan | 100000 operating hours | 100000 operating hours |
Inter-overhaul time | 33000 operating hours | 33000 operating hours |
Mass of turbine group | 192.0 t | 192.0 t |
Mass of combustion chambers | 51.2 t | 51.2 t |
* - data provided in normal conditions as per GOST 52200-2004 (tn=+15 °С, рn=0.1013 МPа, relative humidity 60 %).
Scope of application:
Electrical power production in a simple and combined cycle.
Production of gas turbine plants is carried out at Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod (LMZ) of Power Machines. The LMZ plant is mainly engaged in the production of turbines and auxiliary equipment for atomic, thermal and hydraulic power plants and industrial enterprises.
During 2020-2021 the refitting of production facilities with several groups of equipment will be performed in order to fix tight spots. The total volume of planned investment to production refitting exceeds 4 billion rubles. In particular, it is planned to recreate pre-existing operational sequences but at the up-to-date process level, namely:
A trials facility designed for trials of full-scale units of combustion chambers of gas turbine electric power plants of medium and high capacity was commissioned in 2006. At the present day, preparation of the firing trials facility for trials of GTE-65.1 (ГТЭ-65.1) and GTE-170.1 (ГТЭ-170.1) combustion chambers under actual-use test conditions is carried out in order to check how structural solutions affect main performance data and environmental performance: adjustment start modes, variable modes, loss-of-load modes, shutdown modes of the gas turbine plant combustion chambers.
Moreover, the company owns unique testing equipment, including Schenck rotor balancing facility with vacuum chamber, which allows for the testing of standard-size rotors of gas and steam turbines of a capacity up to 1200 MW.
Nikolai Fokin
Victor Barudkin
Chief Designer of the GTE-170 project
Deputy Head of Special-Purpose Design Bureau GTU
+7 (812) 326-77-78, доб. 4-61-10
Vladimir Nepomnyashchy
Engineers, structural designers, technologists and other specialists are required for the implementation of the gas turbine construction project.
For current vacancies check the Career/Vacancies section of Power Machines site.
Special-Purpose Design Bureau GTU
Tel. +7 (812) 326-77-78, ext. 4-51-98
HR contacts
It is not by chance that Power Machines have become an integrator of the Russian high-capacity gas turbine plant project. It is difficult to start any similar project from nothing and Power Machines are ready to generalize all the experience accumulated in the creation of gas turbine plants.
The history of designing and production of gas turbine plants started in 1957 when the first gas turbine GT-12-3 (ГТ-12-3) of 12 MB capacity with 27 % efficiency was manufactured at Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod (LMZ). Accumulated experience resulted in the creation of a new series of gas turbine plant of GT-25-700 (ГТ-25-700) type of 25 MW capacity with 28% efficiency in 1959.
Advanced decisions of the design bureau were integrated in a series of 10 plants GTN-9-750 (ГТН-9-750) in 1962. Later, in 1970-1995, one of the most outstanding turbines of the day GT-100-750 (ГТ-100-750) of 105 MW capacity with 28 % efficiency was under development and later on transformed into turbine GTE-150 (ГТЭ-150) of 148 MW with 31% efficiency. Two turbines GTE-150 (ГТЭ-150) are in operation from 1991 up to the present day at the regional hydroelectric power plant GRES-3 in the name of Klasson.
The manufacturing rate of gas turbines was not big because the primary focus was on mass production of machines for steam-operated power plants. This was required in order to provide electrical and thermal capacity input at a record pace which was necessary for the developing economics of the country.
The regulation of the Council of Ministers of USSR concerning construction of the LMZ branch was issued on November 11, 1973. This included the creation of gas turbine casings with a trials bench and assemblage of blank shops.
The 1-st start-up assembly of gas turbines called TurboAtomGas plant was commissioned in 1979. This name reflects a main task of the enterprise - production of gas and steam turbines, and assemblies for NPP.
In 1991 the joint Russian-German enterprise InterTurbo was founded, a manufacturer of gas turbines in cooperation with LMZ and the Siemens company. Production premises of the enterprise were arranged in TurboAtomGas workshops. In 1993 the first turbine for Indonesia was assembled on the InterTurbo bench. In 2004 the license for manufacturing of V94.2 under the brand name GTE-160 (ГТЭ-160) was bought from the Siemens company. In 2005 the two first domestic gas turbine plants of GTE-160 (ГТЭ-160) type were manufactured for the thermal power plant Kaliningradskaya TPP-2 and commissioned successfully. From the beginning of manufacturing, efforts to localize production of V94.2 main units (parts for 57 plants of V94.2 and GTE-160 (ГТЭ-160) types were fabricated in 1993-2012 at the LMZ sites) were taken up to 2011 when Power Machines and Siemens achieved an agreement to create a joint enterprise in Russia named Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies (Siemens - 65 %, Power Machines - 35 %) specialized in production and maintenance of gas turbines of over 60 MW capacity for Russia and the CIS market.
Production of the safe but not up-to-date plant V94.2 covered the existing Russian demand in gas turbine plants of such capacity at that time, but a desire to obtain a fully made-in-Russia turbine and get done with import dependence made it necessary to produce an in-house up-to-date plant. From 2010 up to autumn 2011 LMZ special-purpose design bureau of gas turbines which later became a part of the modern enterprise Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies developed an innovative project named Gas turbine plant GTE-170 (ГТЭ-170) development. During the period from 1996 to the end of 2011 design documentation for the turbine GTE-180 (ГТЭ-180) was developed, an up-to-date sample of F-class gas turbine plant GTE-65 (ГТЭ-65) was designed and manufactured, the design of the 300 MW gas turbine plant was carried out. These projects serve as a considerable backlog for development of up-to-date in-house turbines.
The conversion of aircraft-engine-building advanced technologies has become the platform for domestic gas turbine plant production. A similar approach was used by all world-wide companies: when designing SGT5-4000F in cooperation with Pratt & Whitney, Siemens used an aircraft engine PW4000 as the basis; General Electric developed an installation of MS9001FA series based on the in-house aircraft engine CF6; the Japanese company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries used the aircraft engine Trent from Rolls Royce for M7001G. On this basis, in 1996 LMZ in partnership with Aviadvigatel OJSC started the development of the GTE-180 (ГТЭ-180) with the PS-90A (ПС-90А) aircraft engine as the basis. In 2003 the engineering design of the GTE-180 (ГТЭ-180) was successfully passed by the Research and Development Board of the Unified Energy System of Russia, but it hasn't come to implementation in steel so far. After 2003 due to the lack of state support and assignment of a facility (power plant) for testing and engineering development the decision was made to close the project GTE-180 (ГТЭ-180) in favour of Siemens licence for V94.2 production and its Russified version GTE-160 (ГТЭ-160).
The GTE-180 (ГТЭ-180) project got further development in the gas turbine plant GTE-65 (ГТЭ-65) of less capacity which embodied its predecessor's best practice, moreover, unique trials benches were manufactured at LMZ and CKTI for this project. A combustion chamber bench was manufactured at LMZ, a CKTI test bench was refit and upgraded for measuring systems for the model compressor study.
The prototype of GTE-65 (ГТЭ-65) manufactured in 2008 was elaborated by the LMZ special-purpose design bureau of gas turbines on the basis of the model compressor of CIAM CKTI and upgraded in Kuznetsov Samara Research and Technology Center in early 2000. The gas turbine plant GTE-65 (ГТЭ-65) was made to simple cycle arrangement as a single-shaft double-support turbocharger with rotor speed 5440 rpm and a gear driven power generator.
In 2005-2008 a test specimen was manufactured, R&D activities were carried out, subassembly tests were performed at NPO CKTI, LMZ.
During the first stage of combustion chamber testing at full-load operation mode, preliminary tests at a pressure up to 0.7 MPa were carried out, measurements of combustion liner temperatures, combustion outlet temperature non-uniformity, NOx emissions were carried out, and the fuel handling algorithm was adjusted. During the second stage, full-scale trials bench especially made by LMZ was used for gaseous fuel combustion chamber test firing.
The advanced development of Power Machines designers - GTE-65 (ГТЭ-65) - was recognized by the Government of Saint-Petersburg at the 1-st St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum. The turbine can be widely applied to re-powering the existing power plants and for new buildings, it is able to serve the heating needs as well as to operate both in combined cycle power units and independently.
The first production unit of GTE-65 (ГТЭ-65) was shipped to the thermal power plant TPP-9 of OJSC Mosenergo and placed at the turning gear with the generator.
In July 2012 hot tests of the first production unit started when the unit was taken into idle mode. Later on, due to the tight deadline of the Power Supply Agreement program, the trials were discontinued and GTE-65 (ГТЭ-65) was returned to LMZ.
Considerable financial supply was provided by the enterprise for GTE-65 (ГТЭ-65) development and GTE-160 (ГТЭ-160) localization, but the world market dictated new terms requiring superpowered gas turbine plants of 400-500 MW single capacity. In 2010 Power Machines accepted the challenge and started elaboration of the draft design of GTE-300 (ГТЭ-300) in order to create a high-temperature simple-cycle gas turbine plant of F/H class.
The decisions for the hot gas path were grounded on the experience from GTE-180 (ГТЭ-180), GTE-65 (ГТЭ-65) and construction provisions of world leaders in gas turbine construction: cannular combustion chambers, convection and film cooling of turbine blades, etc. In 2011 the draft design received favourable reviews from national leading scientific organizations: CIAM, VTI, CKTI and MPEI. This project or its modification can be realized for purposes of further development of a powerful series of gas turbines.