Power Machines launched production of GTE-170 gas turbine blades
Implementing the project of creating domestic medium- and high-capacity gas turbines, Power Machines retrofitted the production equipment, designed and manufactured the guide and rotating blades of the GTE-170 gas turbine compressor.
All the GTE-170.1 gas turbine compressor blades are designed by specialists from JSC "Power machines," namely, engineers of the in-house design bureau specialized in gas turbine units.
The compressor blades are made from chrome-plated steels that ensure long-term performance under heavy operating conditions. For additional protection, a corrosion-resistant coating is applied to some blades of the first stages of the compressor.
The first set of compressor blades has been manufactured. To do this, it was necessary to adjust the process and retrofit the company's blade production. Russian-made alloys are used for the production of GTE-170.1 gas turbine blades.
The blades underwent various types of control, such as visual, geometric, capillary, and ultrasonic. Thus, the high quality of production has been confirmed.
For the blades of the compressor's first stages, a set of projects has been carried out to develop the technology of applying a protective corrosion-resistant coating. Together with JSC "NPO CKTI," tests were carried out to determine the structural endurance of the main blades, which confirmed the strength margin and reliability of the blades.