Power Machines started production of key components of the GTE-65.1 gas turbine
As part of the development of the domestic gas turbine GTE-65.1, "Power machines" has begun manufacturing a model 16-stage compressor and a prototype combustion chamber.
After creating a model compressor, tests are required to verify the design parameters of the compressor, including the stall margin, strength and vibration performance.
Once the tests confirm the efficacy of the design solutions for the wheel space part of the compressor, "Power machines" will start manufacturing the compressor units for the pilot model of the GTE-65.1 gas turbine.
The company also completed the basic design phase for the GTE-65.1 combustion chamber and has begun developing a prototype. The parameters of the combustion chamber assembly, environmental performance and expected life span of the main components provided by the technical specifications were verified by calculation. Using the additive printing method, three-dimensional models of the product have been developed as prototypes.
The combustion chamber prototype will be tested with full-scale parameters on the hot test bench. During bench tests, the ignition processes will be evaluated, and the main characteristics of the combustion chamber will be verified for the entire range of operational parameters.
The GTE-65.0 gas turbine that was designed and manufactured by the company between 2005 and 2008 is the baseline product for the GTE-65.1 prototype. The hot and cold parts of the turbine have been completely redesigned for the new version of the product, taking into account advanced approaches to the development and operation of gas turbines, the best industry practices and the experience of operating similar foreign-made turbines. As a result of the work completed, the new wheel space part of the compressor will benefit from increased efficiency and an improved compression ratio when compared to the baseline model: GTE-65.0. The GTE-65.1 turbine will be shipped to its first customers in spring 2025.