Power Machines will launch another student design bureau. This time – at Tomsk Polytechnic University
A key area of cooperation will be the creation of a student design bureau (SDB) – the fourth bureau in the country, where Power Machines together with the university will provide facilities for training young experts in power engineering. Similar SDBs have already been launched and are operating at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU), at National Research University MPEI, and at the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI).
Currently, Power Machines and Tomsk Polytechnic University are developing a program of SDB activities and preparing a leading-edge workspace, where students will start working in the third quarter of this year.
An important part of the agreement is the creation of a development program for participants in student design bureaus. Students of 3-4 years of the bachelor degree course and 1-2 years of master's degree course may get a job at the design bureau.
The agreement also provides for the development of laboratory facilities, methodological, scientific and technical potential of the university, the implementation of joint R&D projects, innovative projects, and programs.