Power Machines Shipped Equipment for Hydro Turbine No. 1 for the Tupolangskaya HPP
The "Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod" (part of JSC «Power machines») has shipped a set of hydro turbine equipment manufactured for the first hydropower unit (HPU) of the Tupolangskaya HPP in Uzbekistan.
Earlier in 2021, Power Machines manufactured and delivered the HPP hydro turbine equipment for the modernization of HPUs No. 3 and 4, hydro generator equipment for HPUs No. 1 and 2, as well as excitation systems for all four HPUs. Today, the manufacture of turbine equipment for HPU No. 2 is being completed at the Power Machines production sites.
All four HPUs will be commissioned in stages during 2022 to increase the total capacity of Tupolangskaya HPP to 175 MW.
The contract for the design, manufacture, and supply of hydro equipment for the four hydropower units of Tupolangskaya HPP has been concluded with the JSC "Uzbekhydroenergo" in 2019 and entered into force in April 2020.
Hydro turbines and generators with a capacity of 72.5 MW are being manufactured for new hydropower units No. 1 and No. 2. The supply scope of supply also includes electrical equipment, APCS, generator excitation systems, pre-turbine gate valves, and HPP auxiliary equipment.
New impellers, equipment for modernizing the turbine control and excitation systems were manufactured for the existing hydropower units No. 3 and 4, and the manufacture of automated process control systems is underway.
The scope of Power Machines obligations also include pre-commissioning services for the supplied equipment.
In the course of the upgrade and in addition to impellers replacement, HPUs No. 3 and No. 4 will be equipped with modern turbine automation systems and automatic control of pre-turbine gate valves. The hydro turbines will be equipped with speed encoders, vibration sensors, shaft runout sensors, overspeed protection unit, new instrumentation, and electrical wiring.