Power Machines manufactured equipment for Surgutskaya TPP-2
Electrosila plant (part of Power Machines) manufactured ТВВ-800-2 ЕУЗ turbine generator for power unit No. 1 PSU-810 MW of Surgutskaya TPP-2, which is PJSC "Unipro" branch. The equipment will be installed at Surgutskaya TPP-2 as part of the upgrading program for generating facilities for thermal power plants (COMMod).
The factory acceptance tests of the turbine generator were successfully completed in May. The tests included determination of the idling characteristics, a check of gas tightness, warranty indicators, and high-voltage tests.
The turbine generator was the first order made by the specialists of the Electrosila plant for Surgutskaya TPP-2. With the partnership with "Unipro" aiming for six years, three more sets of turbine and electrical equipment will be manufactured for the power units of the TPP.