Power Machines have completed dismantling of the hydropower unit No. 1 at Votkinskaya HPP of the RusHydro company
At present, the hydrogenerator and the hydroturbine, oil pressure unit, control unit for the electric and hydraulic regulator, auxiliary equipment of the hydraulic unit and the impeller chamber have been completely dismantled.
The installation of a new hydropower unit has begun. The foundation of the generator stator has been prepared, the stator is being installed and the turbine foundation parts are being assembled. The new hydropower unit was manufactured by Power Machines: the turbine is made in the Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod, the generator - in the Electrosila plant. The equipment has improved technical characteristics, increased power capacity, is exceptionally reliable and environmentally safe.
It is notable that the dismantled hydropower equipment was also produced by enterprises that are now part of Power Machines.
The integrated modernization program of the Votkinskaya HPP provides for the replacement of all ten hydropower units of the power plant. The first hydropower unit was replaced in 2017. Later, new hydroelectric units were commissioned annually and currently, four out of ten units have already been updated. After the work is completed, the plant's capacity will increase to 1150 MW, which is 13% higher than before the start of the modernization program.