Power Machines commenced the final stage of upgrade for Syrdarya TPP (Uzbekistan)
Power Machines proceeded to the third and final stage of upgrading the Syrdarya TPP (Power Units No. 9, 10), having started work at power unit No. 10 of the largest power plant in Central Asia.
As per the EPC contract signed between Power Machines and Syrdarya TPP, in accordance with the Order of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures for stage-by-stage upgrade of the Syrdarya TPP power units," the Russian power engineering company is performing a full-scale upgrade of six power units of the plant.
The upgrade, with an increase in total capacity of six power units of the plant from 1800 to 1950 MW is arranged in three stages. The first stage was completed in 2019, when power units No. 3 and No. 4 were put into operation; at the second stage, power units No. 5 and No. 6 were connected to the country's power grid and put into operation.
Work is currently underway for unit No. 10: on March 1 of this year it was shut down and on March 5 it was transferred for upgrade. A similar shutdown at unit No. 9 is scheduled for April 1, 2021.
The scope of work to be performed by Power Machines includes a comprehensive upgrade of the turbine, generator, boiler and auxiliary equipment, introduction of automatic process control systems, and retrofitting of the automatic control system, as well as a full range of construction and installation works, including installation supervision.
All equipment for the plant was manufactured by Russian enterprises - Taganrog Bolier-Making Works "Krasny Kotelshchik," Kaluga Turbine Plant, Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod and Electrosila Plant. The equipment has improved performance characteristics that meet the requirements for reliability and safety. The service life of the newly installed turbine assemblies is 40 years, while capacity of each power unit has been increased by 25 MW – from 300 MW to 325 MW.
Completion of the upgrade of the largest thermal power plant in Central Asia is scheduled for this year.
The project implementation will reduce electricity shortages in the country, ensure stable operation of the power grid in Uzbekistan, and boost the economic performance of the region.