Krasny Kotelshchik has increased the professional competence of its verification personnel

Taganrog Boiler-Making Works Krasny Kotelshchik (TKZ), forming part of Power machines, continues the successful practice of professional competitions among employees in various fields of activities. The competition “The best in profession in the field of product quality control” was held at the enterprise.

The best TKZ specialists were determined both in team and individual competitions. In this format, a corporate event for verification personnel was held for the second consecutive year.

Participants were divided into six teams, each with three specialists: an X-ray NDT inspector, an ultrasonic NDT inspector, and a welding inspector. Such a composition allowed these participants to carry out all the competitive tasks and identified the most qualified specialists in each of the fields.

The competition had solely female participants; they solved logical problems and demonstrated their skill level. They worked on crossword puzzles concerning their profile, revealed defects in competitive prototypes using non-destructive methods and made process flow control charts. Not all competitors faced the last task in their general practice.

“The non-destructive testing expert is a profession that is distinguished by an increased level of responsibility,” - explained Elena Solovyova, Head of TKZ’s HR department. –“Such an employee evaluates products for defects and is personally responsible for their quality. In this profession, it is necessary to constantly improve skills, and develop competencies. This opportunity was given to the participants of the annual corporate competition.”